Wednesday 18 January 2012

Group A2 : Day 9 @ DHO Kubang Pasu

                                          MCH- KLINIK DESA MALAU

It is our ninth day of posting in the Districh Health Office of Kubang Pasu on Wednesday, 18th January 2012. Upon our arrival at about 8.50 am, we were told to go to Klinik Desa Malau. Hence, we departed right after that, being accompanied by a staff nurse, Asma. It was a 10 minutes journey from DHO Kubang Pasu.

Klinik Desa Malau is a healthcare clinic which is under the supervision and management of Klinik Kesihatan Kubang Pasu, the headquarters of 4 other healthcare clinics as well, such as, Klinik Desa Telok Malik, Klinik Desa Binjal,. Klinik Desa Gelong and Klinik Desa Paya Pahlawan.


Map showing areas covered by Klinik Desa Malau

There are only 2 community nurses available in the clinic, without any consultation from the medical officers or specialist. The services provided here are:

a) Ante natal care - Uncomplicated cases of pregnant mothers. Cases which fall under high risk category will be referred immediately to Klinik Kesihatan Kubang Pasu for further consultations.

b) Post natal care - Home visits are conducted by the community nurses on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 10th and 20th days, with the least number of visits done is 8, to check the mother and the baby.

c) Family planning - Community nurses offer counselling sessions besides providing the patients with methods of contraception. However, the methods are limited, as only contraceptive pills and condoms are available.

d) Child care - Immunization , growth chart plotting and nutrition counselling are done for newborn babies to children up to 7 years of age. This is to ensure optimum growth and development of child and for complete immunization before school entry. Frequency of visits for a child  :

  • Newborn - 6th month : Monthly
  • 7th month - 12th month : 2 monthly
  • 1 year - 2 years : 3 monthly
  • 2 years - 4 years : 6 monthly
  • 5 years - 6 years : Yearly

Daily schedule of Klinik Desa Malau

Daily activities carried out at Klinik Desa Malau is as mentioned below:
Sunday : Home visits / recording data
Monday : Ante natal clinic
Tuesday : Home visits / recording data
Wednesday : Child health and family planning clinic / home visits / recording data
Thursday : Home visits / meeting / recording data

This healthcare clinic offers the same services as those being offered in the Klinik Kesihatan Kubang Pasu. The only difference is that  Klinik Desa Malau manages the uncomplicated cases of pregnancy whereas all those high risk cases are being managed in Klinik Kesihatan Kubang Pasu. I have already elaborated about all the objectives and flow of processes of ante natal, post natal as well as child health care in the blog thread Group A2 : Day 2 @DHO Kubang Pasu on 5th January 2012. Kindly have a look at it.

Staff Nurse Asma explaining about the services offered in Klinik Desa Malau

Furthermore, we were told by SN Asma that, Klinik Kesihatan Malau organizes talks or health campaigns once in a month in the nearby villages, examples given were the talks about Importance of Proper Nutrition in Pregnancy, Immunization for children as well as Awareness on Pap Smear Tests. Apart from that, meetings will also be held once in three months to discuss about methods or ways on how to improve the services offered.

In addition, SN Asma  had briefed us about Perkhidmatan Warga Emas, a special program of services offered to the senior citizens. However, it is not provided at Klinik Desa Malau. Nonetheless, there is a Senior Citizens' Club (Kelab Warga Emas) which is already established in Klinik Kesihatan Kubang Pasu. The members of this club are those above 60  years of age and each of them has to pay RM 5 per month as the membership fees to the club's treasurer. They do have their very own organization committee, and the staff nurses will only supervise them once in a while when there is any special occasion, such as get together sessions during the festivities.

This club conducts exercise sessions for its members every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 8.30am. They have also organized 3 trips on year 2011 to MARDI (Malaysian Agricultural, Research and Development Institute) and fishing activities at a nearby lake. SN Asma had also informed us that DHO Kubang Pasu will carry out a health drive campaign every 6 months, to check the blood pressure, blood sugar level, pap smear tests, dental check up and nutrition counselling for the members. Actually, this club is not a welfare club as it does not provide them with any monetary support, however, it is a social club which gives support and paramount importance to physical, mental and social well being of its members.

Prepared by,

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