Thursday 12 January 2012


Community Medicine Posting

District Health Office in Kubang Pasu

Day 7

Food Safety and Quality Control Unit

This unit plays the following roles:
  •     checking and evaluating food premises
  •     food sampling and analysis
  •    issuing GMP and HACCP certificates
  •    issuing license for mineral water and packet drinks sales
  •    monitoring food poisoning cases
  •    issuing Free Sales Certificate(FSC)
  •   control of food quality in country borders
  •   Quality Assurance Programme(QAP) 

The following is the organization chart of this unit:

The officers carry out their responsibilities based on the Food Act 1983(Act 281)

Premise checking
The officers carry out checks in food stalls, factories, restaurants and canteens in learning institutes. Different evaluation forms are filled up by the health officers based on the types of premises. Marks will be awarded based on the criteria present on the forms. If the total mark is less than 75%, the premise will be closed for 14 days. During this period of time, the owner is expected to carry out remedial actions accordingly.

The criteria present on this form are as follow:

1.    separation of cooked food from raw food
2.    food labeling and packaging
3.    raw food processing in a clean area
4.    food storage in freezer/chiller
5.    food storage in closed container
6.    food handlers’ health and typhoid vaccination
7.    whether food handlers wear caps and aprons
8.    whether food handlers wear shoes
9.    food handlers’ personal hygiene
10. cleanliness of kitchen utensils
11. storage of kitchen utensils in a high place
12. washing of kitchen utensils in a high place(not on the floor)
13. clean water supply
14. clean water storage
15. proper waste water disposal
16. cleanliness of drain
17. proper residual food collection
18. clean toilets
19. soap for hand-washing
20. rubbish bin should be covered and cleaned
21. proper disposal of food residual
22. cleanliness of the floor
23. cleanliness of the walls
24. premise neatness
25. presence of flies, cockroaches or rats
26. waste treatment plant distance

Checks are carried out once a year in school canteens and twice a year in other food premises.

It is divided into 3 aspects:
·         Physical- eg. proper labeling, presence of cockroaches
·         Chemistry-  eg. food additives and flavourings
·         Microbiology- eg. lab investigations for Escherichia coli and Bacillus cereus

As an example, sampling of coconut milk starts with greeting and explaining the procedure to the premise owner. 3 samples are taken from the premise. The first sample is sent to the laboratory, second sample is kept in the district health office and third sample is kept in the premise for the manufacturer’s reference.

Food Export
The factory owner is expected to send the product for laboratory investigation. The lab report should be submitted to the health district health office along with the application form. The Food Act 1983 and the laws in the country which imports the product regulate the trade.

Examples of application form in food export: 

 Available statistics:

Target and achievement of food sampling from year 2005 to 2009

Premise checks from year 2005 to 2009
Fine imposed from year 2005 to 2009

Typhoid vaccination for food handlers:

One vaccination costs RM20 and lasts for 2 years.

Briefing was done by Encik Khairul Ikram:

Prepared by Choo Kok Yew.

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