Sunday 29 January 2012


We first arrived at Malaysian Quarantine and Inspection Services (MAQIS) Department. We were briefed by Mr Pergas, the health inspector about the function of the department.

Mr Pergas on the left

Organization chart

Basically, food items from Thailand are checked by officers from this department. Examples are ice-cream, frozen chickens, milk powder, spices, vegetables and fruits.

Food items in the containers are inspected to ensure proper labeling and packaging. The officers refer to the K1 form and invoice which state the type, quantity and price of the food item during inspection. 

Food items in container being inspected.

Samples are usually taken for food products imported for the first time. The procedures for food sampling are as follow:
Physical and chemical analysis
·         Sec 5 Food Act 1983
·         Divide sample into 3 separate parts
·         Mark and seal or fasten each part in a manner that is permissible
·         Offer one part to the seller , importer or manufacturer or his agent or the person having charge of the food
·         Deliver personally or thru another authorised officer or by A.R.(Acknowledgement of recepit) to the analyst
·         Retain the remaining part
·         When sample consist of foods contained in unopened packages and if in the opinion of the authorized officer the division of the package is not practicable or might affect the contents the AO may divide the packages into lots and deals with each lot in the manner provided by the regulation.
·         If a particular package of food has or appears to have upon it any foreign substance which is suspected of being poisonous , harmful or injurious to health
·         Or it is not practicable to divide the sample into the requisite number of parts or lots
·         Then the AO shall only take samples without dividing it into separate parts and shall subsequently deliver the sample taken as in the procedure stated above.

Microbiological analysis
·  When a food sample is required for microbiological analysis the AO
·   Shall only take one sample and not divide the sample into separate parts
·    Mark and seal the sample in such manner as its nature will permit

Sampling of fish from Thailand
Food sampling area and warehouse
If food items are not up to standards, they are returned to Thailand or destroyed in case of microbiological contamination.

Health officers also check food items brought in by tourists at the pedestrian counter and in the bus. If food items brought in by tourists are in big quantity (for commercial purpose), they can be confiscated.

Pedestrian counter
Health officers will check food items in the bus when the tourists leave the bus for custom clearance.

tourist vans are also checked

A health clinic is available for medical services.
Nurses and medical assistants run the health clinic.

Prepared by Choo Kok Yew.

Disclaimer: Good quality pictures were distorted when uploaded to the blog due to unknown technical reasons.

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