Monday 30 January 2012

Group A2 : Day 12 @ DHO Kubang Pasu

Date : 30 January 2012 ( Monday )
Time : 
8.30 am - 11.00 am
Topic : 
Maternal Child Health
Person in charge :  KJK Siti Aminah

Today , as usual , we arrived MCH Jitra at 8.30am. The activities we did today is the same as yesterday. We were divided into 5 groups and took turns to enter to 5 room:
1) antenatal care
2)antenatal care
3) family planning
5)child growth assessment
We did'nt go to the lab because there is only urine test and serum bilirubin test done here. We had seen it yesterday.

After that, at around 10.15am, we started to search for data that is needed in the logbook. We went to few places like pejabat penerangan daerah ,  called to majilis daerah and pejabat pendaftaran daerah. However, we could'nt get most of the data we needed, except the MCH data which we get it from Sister Siti from MCH Jitra. She is very friendly and help us to find the data patiently. Thanks to her.

11am- We left MCH Jitra. Today is our last day of posting. Tomorrow we will have presentation with Dr KyawMint , Prof Narayan and Doctors from DHO Kubang Pasu.

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