Saturday 7 January 2012

Group A1 : Day 2 @ DHO KOTA STAR

Arrived at DHO at 7.50am.

We were posted to Disease Control and Vector Unit headed by En. Ridzuan.

All group members attended Vector Unit meeting which is held every morning.

Attendance was taken as usual before they started the meeting.
After taking the attendance, the head of unit introduced us to the staff members of Vector Unit and we too introduced ourselves to the staff members. He assured us that the Vector Unit will do their best to guide and teach us about control of vectors and diseases.

The Vector Unit staff members are divided into 6 groups (A-F). During the meeting, the group leaders present the report on the activities done the day before. Activities that are usually carried out are fogging, visiting dengue case areas and doing spot checks and routine checks(surveys) in Kota Star district, etc. A brief report was also presented on new cases detected in the district and what action was taken.

After finishing with reporting yesterday’s activities, they started laying out the plan for today’s activities to the rest of the unit staff members. On that day, the staff divided themselves into 3 groups. Each group is headed by a PKA (Pegawai Kesihatan Awam) and accompanied by 1 or 2 PA (Pegawai Awam). Our group leader (Kavi) then divided us into 3 groups and each group was assigned to a group of the Vector Unit namely A, C, and E. So, we followed them by van to the designated location for that day.

                                                        Meeting going on in Vector Unit

The van that I was in went to Jalan Pegawai (somewhere in Alor Star). It took us 20-25mins to reach there.  Upon arrival at a row of shopping lots, we went into each unit that make up the row, observing the PKA and PA. They introduced themselves as the enter each unit and made sure they had the consent of the shop owners and obtained official stamp of the company renting the unit and only then proceeding with their inspections. They searched for potential sites that could pool water and become breeding site for Aedes mosquito, mainly the toilets, containers and rubbish disposal areas, and flower pots. However, on that day, all the units we inspected were clear of any potential breeding sites.

                                           The PKA and PA about to enter a unit for inspection.

They also gave larvicide (ABATE) for free to units that have water plants in jars. They were instructed to put 1 teaspoon of the insecticide into the jar. 1 teaspoon can last up to 1 month.

We then started our journey back to DHO at about 10.40am.

Upon reaching the DHO, we thanked the PKA, the PA, the van driver and also other staff members for making the day such an informative and educational yet fun day.
At about 11.30am, we headed back to SP.

Pics I took in the meeting room.

A video I took in the meeting room. In the bottle, you can see the larva swimming.

 -Sarwinder Singh-

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