Wednesday 4 January 2012

Group A2: Day 1 @ DHO Kubang Pasu

Here we are at DHO Kubang Pasu!

It was our first day here. Once we reached there, we met the District Health Officer of DHO Kubang Pasu, Dr. Nor Azian . She then gave us a  brief introduction session regarding Kubang Pasu.

The district of Kubang Pasu is the northernmost district in the state of Kedah Darul Aman. It borders with the Thailand to the north, the district of Padang Terap to the east, the district of Kota Setar to the south and the state of Perlis Indera Kayangan and the Malacca Straits to the west. The area size of Kubang Pasu District is about 94,596 hectare (945.971km square feet).
Total population in Kubang Pasu are 230,100 people. Another interesting point about it is that 63% of the population work as a farmer, others work as businessman and government servant.

Health centers in Kubang Pasu include:
- 1 District Health Office
- 8 Health Clinic
- 1 mobile school team
- 1 Hospital
- 26 Rural Clinic
- 28 Private GPs

This is the organization chart of DHO Kubang Pasu:

After that, we were also given a introduction about Inspectorate Unit by the Health Inspector, Encik Rahman.

The Inspectorate Unit consist of 9 units:
1. Communicable Disease Control
2. KKM(Safety and Food Quality)
3. Vector Borne Disease Control
4. Investigation and Enforcement
5. KPAS 1 and 2 (Occupational Health and Environment)
6. BAKAS (Water Supply and Environmental Health)
7. KMAM (Water Quality Control)
8.Non Communicable Disease
9.Health Promotion

He also brief us about some acts regarding:
1. Food Act
2. Destruction of Disease-Bearing Insects Act and Regulations
3. Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act and Regulations

And there, we ended our morning with all the acts and regulations. =)

By, Ooi Shu Huey

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